Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Updates on the "To Do List"

1. Take one picture every day. --I have done this but I haven't been very inspired so none of them are that great. If you want to see them you can go here.
2. Quit Facebook for 6 months. --It's not super hard BUT I have no way to contact anyone. I wish I had revised it to only checking facebook once a week or something.
3. Hang out with old friends. --I've hung out with Breehan a lot and I have plans to hang out with another friend.
4. Read a book (outside of school books) every month. --I've read "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey and I'm halfway through "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".
5. Hang out with my dad more. --We went to lunch yesterday and looked at 4Runners (because, if you didn't already know, someone ran into my car and totaled it while it was parked on my street).
6. Work on my prayer life. --I have been writing something to pray for on my hand every day. This is helping but I still need a lot of work in this area.
7. See more movies. --I got Netflix so I have been watching movies like crazy! The two that came in the mail today are "Schindler's List" and "One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest" (which I think will also be my next book to read).
8. Write on my blog twice a week. --Today makes two!
9. Write in my journal twice a week. --Nope, slacker.
10. Memorize one Bible verse a week. --Yep. Colossians 3:1-3.
How is everyone else doing with their resolutions and goal lists?

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