Monday, May 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Summer Expectations

Can I just say that I am super-excited about this summer? Oh, it will be such a joy. Every summer I fall more and more in love with God and I can't wait to learn more about Him and be around people (like the two pictured below) who make me want to be more like Christ! I also get to hang out with Audrey, Aaron and Julie's daughter, this summer. That's going to be awesome.

Hot. (I know he would hate me, so that's why I put it up! Plus the reflection on his glasses is pretty sweet.)

Seriously, summer is the time when I am the happiest. I get to hang out with my absolute favorite people in the whole entire world. It's actually kind of like One Tree Hill (allow me to explain before you tune out). In real life people don't walk around town going to different people's houses to chat with them but at camp I can go find someone and we can talk for 30 seconds or 3 hours. It's so wonderful. We build such awesome relationships because of the time we spend together!

We also have lots of fun. We play games of "The Game," Gotcha, and random made up games like bouncing Nalgene bottles to each other. Oh, and we also dress up sometimes.

This summer Breehan and I are going to be kicking butt and working out. I'll update you on how awesome I'm looking throughout the summer!

God has blessed me so much with these people and this camp.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What makes a "good" Christian?

There’s this perception that a “good” christian has to be a “successful” christian. We think that our worth lies in a long list of accomplishments. (Salvations, books written, bank account, spiritual fruit, twitter followers, etc.)

Who’s the successful one in God’s eyes? Is it Billy Graham? Or the Parking Volunteer at his crusade?

I think we all know the answer to this question. They both are! They’ve both done their part… what God has called them to do. And the question isn’t even how “well” they did it, but how much love they put into it.

God’s already impressed with you. Stop trying to “wow” Him. I mean, can we really impress the creator of the universe any way? For some reason He’s madly in love with us. So just accept it!

The fruit will come. The numbers will come. The success will increase. But our gaze should be fixed on a love relationship with Him! Productivity HAS to flow out of a place of personal intimacy with God. Otherwise, the product is useless.
Have I mentioned that I love jack mooring. He wrote this. He is from the band Leeland and he has some great insights.