Wednesday, December 31, 2008

To Do List for 2009 (Not a Resolution List)

-Take one picture every day
-Quit facebook for six months
-Go to Africa!
-Make b+ and higher in every class
-Actually enjoy learning in my classes
-Hang out with old friends
-Make new friends
-Read a book (outside of my 3600 school books) every month
-Read to Tucker and Tim
-Hang out with my dad more
-Work on my prayer life
-See more movies
-Listen to God and follow His direction
-Call one friend a week to check up on them (this is VERY hard for me--I hate the phone!)
-Learn (at least) one song on the guitar
-Work out (at least) twice a week
-Write in my journal and on my blog (at least) twice a week
-Memorize one Bible verse a week
-Do some type of photography project in the summer

What's on your To Do List?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wilson - Kenya

For some reason God has laid it on my heart to tell you about Wilson. I hope you will pray about sponsoring him. If you do decide to sponsor him and have any questions (or just want to tell me!!!) please post them in the comment box. Your sponsorship will allow him to attend school and be taught the Word of God! What a blessing! Once you are a sponsor, you can write letters to your child and sometimes they'll write back! You can also have the opportunity to go on a trip to visit your child.
Child Details Name: Wilson Omutsani (KE4030290)
Birthday: May 22, 1990
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
Program: Ebusiralo Child Development Center
Personal and Family Information: Wilson lives with his father and his mother. His father is sometimes employed as a laborer and his mother is sometimes employed as a seller in the market. Wilson works at home gardening, caring for animals and helping in the kitchen. There are 6 children in the family.For fun, Wilson enjoys soccer. He attends church activities, youth group and choir regularly and is in high school where his performance is average.Because of your sponsorship, Wilson will have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers.
This child lives in an AIDS affected area. In Africa, the disease has impacted the entire continent, creating a generation of orphans and vulnerable children. God can use you to help ease the pain of a child in desperate need. View additional information about this child.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Growing Up and Faith

Growing up is a necessary evil. There are so many decisions to be made and at this point in my life, they are decisions that only I can make. My parents and teachers can't tell me what I should do with my life anymore. It's up to me. 

This past week I changed my major (again...this will make 4 majors in 4 semesters). I just wasn't pleased with the art program. It had become a burden to me. 

The night before I "made the change," I had a dream that I was an English major. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not superstitious or crazy. I didn't think that because I had a dream, it meant that I was supposed to go out and change my major, but it did get me thinking. I prayed a lot about it and consulted with my parents, Mike (my photography professor), and my best friend. They all supported me but couldn't make the decision for me. Most times when I pray, God will lead me in a clear direction and I'll follow what He wills. This time, though, I did not feel an answer either way but I felt that He was telling me that in my heart I already knew my answer and I had to step out in faith and make the decision. My friend, Brett (who is the most amazing man of God I know), told one of our friends once that we will never be 100% sure of what we're supposed to do but that we need to step out in faith and hope that God stops us if we're making the wrong decision. Plus, because I know that everything that happens is because God wanted it to happen, I know that I was supposed to change it (because I did...even if it doesn't mean long term). 

So, now I'm an English major. Maybe this one will last me until graduation!

Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day

It's World AIDS Day. Take some time today to pray for the people who have been affected by AIDS.