Monday, December 15, 2008

Growing Up and Faith

Growing up is a necessary evil. There are so many decisions to be made and at this point in my life, they are decisions that only I can make. My parents and teachers can't tell me what I should do with my life anymore. It's up to me. 

This past week I changed my major (again...this will make 4 majors in 4 semesters). I just wasn't pleased with the art program. It had become a burden to me. 

The night before I "made the change," I had a dream that I was an English major. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not superstitious or crazy. I didn't think that because I had a dream, it meant that I was supposed to go out and change my major, but it did get me thinking. I prayed a lot about it and consulted with my parents, Mike (my photography professor), and my best friend. They all supported me but couldn't make the decision for me. Most times when I pray, God will lead me in a clear direction and I'll follow what He wills. This time, though, I did not feel an answer either way but I felt that He was telling me that in my heart I already knew my answer and I had to step out in faith and make the decision. My friend, Brett (who is the most amazing man of God I know), told one of our friends once that we will never be 100% sure of what we're supposed to do but that we need to step out in faith and hope that God stops us if we're making the wrong decision. Plus, because I know that everything that happens is because God wanted it to happen, I know that I was supposed to change it (because I did...even if it doesn't mean long term). 

So, now I'm an English major. Maybe this one will last me until graduation!

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